
Notes on NetworkVictim

[ The Original Network Post ]

The following is a series of text files establishing some foundations and developments in Network Theory, a FNaF theory I conceptualized while creating Loose Threats, and semiexplicitely established in a previous post.
More files may be added to this list over time. Current files may also be lightly edited. If you have an idea, suggestion, or criticism, message me somewhere.
Bonus: [BGM] - Network Noises, because why not. Skip the words if you like.

[01] - Memalia

[02] - Souls

[03] - Dremetics

[04] - Echology

[05] - Carcinogenesis

[06] - Proxies

[07] - Organs

[08] - Locality

I've also written a more in-depth overview, in a haze of overcaffeinated hyperfocus. This document contains a specific, thorough explanation for some of the more fundamental ideas, and their consequences. It then goes through several events in the story, and explains exactly how they're described under this framework.

Conformal Network Theory - An overview, with examples

As discussed in [08], there is (tentatively) multiple ways to reformulate the Network model so that it is constrained by locality. This is my first attempt, which I have labelled Conformal Network Theory.

Finally, I've written a post going into the theory's development, explaining my intentions and mindset pretty thoroughly. Here's that.



External Contributions

Since Network Theory has gained a bit of notoriety, there have been several summaries, interpretations, explanations, and even fanart. I have compiled a few here.

I will add any fanart or derived works, provided I am aware of their existence. If you made one of these and want to be credited by a different name, or for your work to be removed, or something, contact me.

