[[ NETWORK_THEORY->DREMETIC_THEORY (DmT) ]] A Direct Approach 03 A THEORY OF DREMETICS This is where we begin to dwell off the well-lit path, and look at things from an entirely new, if questionably canon, angle. What does the network "want"? This may sound like a strange question, but I believe it's natural to understand even inanimate things in terms of their tendencies, how they "prefer" to change their state. Let's start with what the network *does*. For example, it reflects meatspace. This is seen in the fact that intelligences tend to build models of the world around them, and these models are stored in their "minds", their coherent memalia subnetworks. Another thing the network does is expand. This is simple matter of thermodynamics: Entropy increases, and objects interact, their states becoming chaotically dependent on one another. Thus, the network over time tends to become more tangled up, not just amongst itself, but also with the meatspace environment. We see this most clearly in the complicated trajectory of the missing children, as they go from distinct entities, to a jumple of Remnant possessing one body, which only proceeds to become further conglomerated with the others. You can hardly walk two steps through the FNaF story without noticing another five things becoming one. The wires become tangled. Ag-glomeration. This is why Henry needed to bring everything together in order to defeat the local network (and by extension, Afton's impact) for good: It's thoroughly decentralized. There's no single root you can cut off to kill the whole thing. Furthermore, it only continues to spread with time, so *all* of the pieces had to be brought together in order to defeat it. This is, seemingly, an impossible task. What makes it more plausible is the fact that the decentralization in network space correlates with centralization in physical space. Tangling memalia "spreads" the network, but it's typically achieved by bringing things together in meatspace. Network entanglement requires that things interact, and things usually only interact when close together. This is good for aspiring Henrys, but it's bad for the network's goals. Notice that this problem is being steadily overcome using the VANNI Network. So, the network "reflects" meatspace and "tangles" with it. What is the net result of this? On a smaller scale, we see an effect I've dubbed "reverberation". The total effect of reflection and entanglement is reinstantiation, a sort of cosmic echolalia. This is why we see endless repetition of the same themes, the same designs, the story constantly paralleling itself. Looking to the broadest limit of this (the "final destination" of reverberation), we find that the network wants to *merge* with meatspace, to blur the lines between fantasy and reality. It's easy to see that the VANNI Network is a huge step in this direction. How does the network achieve its goals? What tools does it use? Seemingly, illusions. Tractable illusions (eg: disks) are valuable because they give concentrated top-down control over memalia, by working through the host intelligence. Control over memalia is valuable because memalia manifest in meatspace, through reverberation. That's why we see different forms of illusion technology repeated again and again and again throughout FNaF.