[[ NETWORK_THEORY ]] A Direct Approach 01 A THEORY OF MEMALIA Meatspace creates bodies. Bodies contain minds. Minds create maps, models, and simulations. Dreams, memories, ongoing consciousnesses, arcade games, neural networks, and so on. "Memalia". They are often spaces, but this may or may not be a necessity. Memalia are generated by meatspace intelligences. Here we have the opportunity to flip this description on its head (or, on its side?), and question our assumptions. Must *all* Memalia dwell in meat hosts? Can they exist independently? Furthermore, can the process go the other way? Might meatspace be purely emergent from memalia organization? I can't answer this question, but it may (or may not) be useful to keep in mind. Memalia connect through agony. Agony conjoins dreams, literally and physically, to each other and to meatspace, usually through infused objects (Ball pits, glitched trees, etc). Think Yume Nikki. This model, a set of dream spaces and connections between them, fits the axioms of a "network". This isn't a radical idea; you can get this far essentially just looking at the FNaF3 minigames. The question is: What are the dynamics of this network?