[[ NETWORK_THEORY->ECHOLOGY ]] A Direct Approach 04 A THEORY OF ECHOLOGY The network supports life, this is plain to see. Shadows and phantoms are examples I've classified as "Agonisms". Souls are another thing. Old Man Consequences reveals further possibilities. Looking at RXQ's minigames, it seems that some agonisms are capable of traversing the network freely, regardless of existing agony connections. Though, Pittrap seems to rely on an existing agony connection in order to travel from the ballpit memory to Oswald's mind, so agonisms may not be universally capable of free traversal. It may be that RXQ is able to traverse freely using internal agony: RXQ himself is a "glitched object". Previously, I've speculated the existence of a vast agonism ecosystem, supporting life down to a microbial level. This idea undoubtably approaches "fanfiction" territory, since there's very little suggestion of it in the games or books to my knowledge. On the other hand, the idea that there would exist only a handful of species, without a larger background ecosystem, feels unnatural to me. I've established that agony creates connections in the network, but it's also true that agony fuels agonisms. It's possible these two functions can be rolled into one: Consider the possibility that the process of agonisms freely traversing the network will inadvertently build connections (agonisms "burrow" between memalia, leaving behind "tunnels"). Since, A) agonisms search for agony, and B) there exists a vast microbial agonism ecosystem, the net result is that agony will tend to create connections in the network. This is highly speculative, though. Beyond the agony ecosystem, there's very little to go off of. I'll speculate that Plushbear/Glitchbear may be a network entity similar to Old Man Consequences, rather than a soul or agonism. There's plenty of creatures in FNAF World to look at (Lolbit and DeeDee even reappearing in SL/UCN), though it's possible these characters were simply created by "the puppet-master", or by Glitchbear, or whoever, as were the Adventures.