
On the Topic of Myself

I understand that the About Me page is not very helpful. My intention was (and is) to steer the focus of this site away from myself, and toward my work. Then, I started writing these, and it suddenly feels a bit more important that you know who I am.

So, here's a big QnA. This was originally written on September 19-20th, 2023, but many parts have been added and edited since then.


What/why is your name?

Madesuki. I just shoved a "desu" into "Madotsuki", from Yume Nikki.

Birthday? Region? Height? Credit card number?

My birthday is in October.

Favorite [media]?

I may make a big favorites list post in the future. But, briefly:
Homestuck, Rain World, Lain, FNaF:VR, Monogatari Second Season, Watch for Rolling Rocks 0.5x A Presses, The Mind Electric, Patricia Taxxon, Super Paper Mario, NGE, Kelly Belly ASMR, Motteke Sailor-fuku, Hollow Knight, Touhou Project, Whitelight's 2nd Minecraft video, and clouds.


Madesuki is a girl.

Special interests?

Physics and FNaF, primarily. Passing/occasional interests in anime, complexity science, game design, drawing, Homestuck, and some other things.


INxP. Overseer (Conceptopologist), perhaps through sheer purple. My Zodiac is Vriska. Classpect is something spacey, probably.


I like UBI, and I dislike copyright.

Sexuality? Fetishes? Top/Bottom/Dom/Sub?


Favorite food/drink/etc?

Taste is way too dynamic to say. I drink a lot of Sprite, though.


Finish Permuscapers. Finish Sensella Symplectica. Finish all the other projects, and then start some more, and finish those. Repeat to infinity, at a stable rate, without accelerating scale.
Besides that: Get a better grasp on Quantum Mechanics and Relativistic Field Theory, building up to QFT. Statistical Mechanics as homework. Complex Systems for dessert.

Dogs or cats?

Both are good.

Favorite character?

Sengoku Nadeko, maybe? Also a big fan of Haruhi Suzumiya.


Mostly Sean Carroll's Mindscape, RyeToast's FFPPcast, and 12-hour N0THANKY0U podcasts.

Greatest Accomplishment?

The contents of this site are probably what I'm most proud of, thus far.

Games you're good at?

My highest accomplishment is completing Hollow Knight (Including both Pantheon 5 endings). I'm pretty good at Mariokart 8 DX. I want to be good at Touhou but it's very difficult. Also decent at the original FNaF games, of course. Beaten 20/20/20/20, but that's not too hard if you know what you're doing. Oh, and my best time in Getting Over It is 5m:34.189s!


Good question! My top 4 are Kelly Belly, Goodnight Moon, Blue Katie, and Jules. I also really like Angels, Softly Galoshes, Marno (Best boy), and Sunjos. When it comes to "faceless" ASMRtists (if you know what I mean), I like Coromo Sara (I love her "ではでは、スタート"), Cham, Melody, and Divinity.

If you could have one superpower, what would you choose?

I dislike this kind of question, because "superpower" is not very constraining. I choose "eternal unconditional accelerating euphoria and immortality" powers.

If you could have 5 thinkers in a room, living or dead, which would you pick?

The lemurs, of course.

Favorite holiday?

Was April fools once. Not sure anymore.

Plans for this site?

More comics, more text posts, and eventually some games. Essentially any art I make will go here.

Size of half-written post backlog?

24, at the time of writing.

Meaning of Life?


FNaF Questions

What's in the box?

The pieces put together.


Inclined toward Shatter. At the very least, I really don't think he's Golden Freddy.

Robot kids?

I doubt it. Even in the novels, robot kids aren't thrown around carelessly. It took 3 whole books of careful setup. Anyway, Fourth Closet gave us clear criteria for spotting a robot kid: They are blurry on camera.


Cassidy is a better contender for UCN's vengeful spirit in almost every way (even evidence-wise, before Frights). However, the Stitchline demands they be Andrew.


I don't think Scott had much of a plan for the Shadows when he put them in FNaF2. In FNaF3, he may or may not have made the Shadow-Springlock connection, but he definitely did in 4. I think the Spring Bonnie head in Fredbear's Parts/Service was meant to solidify this connection, clearing up why RXQ looks like Toy Bonnie. RXQ is born from BV's memory/fear of the shadows at Fredbear's; this was planned/established in FNaF4. Hence, "What is seen in shadows [...]". Not sure about Shadow Freddy's origin.


GGGL is very explicit. Pizza Party is not. The biggest question is motive. Credences:
Puppet - 0.3
Will - 0.7

Are the Toys possessed? By the SAVETHEM kids?

1: Yes, 2: Probably? Every other spirit has an established beginning, middle, end. Killed, possessed an animatronic, and set free, with some elaboration on the details of each step. The SAVETHEM kids are literally never referenced after FNaF2. They already kinda undermine the impact of the MCI, let alone if they possess the Toys...
And it's not as though we're desperate for an explanation for the Toys' paranormal behavior. They're made of spare parts from the Classics, put two and two together.


A common narrative device!

Dream Theory?

A misunderstanding of MemoryVictim.


I have a general, summary-level knowledge of most of the FNaF books (Though, some are pretty forgettable). As for the ones I've actually, personally read, though... here's a list. I may or may not remember to update this over time.
(X = read, _ = haven't read)


I like RyeToast's podcast (though I can't sit through his videos). Puppy's video on remnant is my favorite FNaF video.

Favorite characters?

First, Mangle. Next, maybe Ennard? Molten Freddy and Springtrap too. I particularly like the movie's Spring Bonnie design.

Hopes/Fantasies for future games?

Remake Pizza Sim with better office gameplay (cameras please), and deeper interactions between the office and tycoon sections. Add more minigames, with more secrets within secrets, taking after FNaF3. Throw in a UCN redesign for Night 7. That's the fantasy.
As far as general hopes go: Besides HW, I'm a bit tired of each new game needing to entirely reinvent the series from the ground up. More simple, classic style FNaFs would be nice. The classic formula hasn't even been very well explored by the official games, in my opinion. Flumpty's did it better. If the games are smaller, I'm sure Steel Wool could at least approach Scott's output rate for the original series without too much trouble. Also, more traditional teaser images please!

"FNaF" or "FNAF"?

"a" in general, "A" in "FNAF World".

Should he keep coming back?

UCN was the perfect ending for William, in my opinion. It flipped his "I always come back" motto on its head, trapping him in an endlessly repeating nightmare, an agonizing cycle of death and rebirth, leaving him to wish, for once, that he could stop coming back.
That all said... I also love the idea that Afton, after all his desperate reincarnations, ends up sort of transcending physical reality and taking on an abstract existence. A mindless demon that appears when you call its name. A psychocorporeal infestation. The unembodied concept of pain. It goes very nicely with Network Theory.

"Philosophical & Thought-
Provoking Questions"
I Found Online

4. Is there a God?

I might make a post about cosmic anthropomorphism. Anyway, I'd like to think there might exist higher-level life which could reasonably be considered a god. A technocapital AI, or something more alien. I'm a bit doubtful, though.

10. Are we in the Matrix?

Simulation hypothesis is more cosmic anthropomorphization, I think. You're trying to guess at what's "outside", but you're still clinging to your "inside" tools. Like, if a Minecraft villager was considering whether they lived in a simulation, they'd naturally try to imagine how to simulate a world using redstone. They'd have no conception of electricity, or y'know, circles.
(I'm exaggerating, I know Minecraft has circles)

16. Is there absolute mortality?

(I thought this one was funny)

32. Where were people before they were born?

Where was this sentence before I typed it?

48. Where does the soul live?


65. Does fate exist?

Does "fate" just mean "determinism"?
I had a shift in thinking recently regarding determinism. It's usually defined as, more or less, the idea that:

All future states can be extrapolated from knowledge of the present state (assuming you have complete information, correct laws of physics, and sufficient computational power).

My realization was that this holds for arbitrary kinds of universes, because "correct laws of physics" can include simple "maps". If there was a universe full of random jiggling with no consistent pattern, you might want to call it nondeterministic. But if you (somehow) had a plain list of everything that happened, it would be completely predictable. My conclusion is that determinism is a property of models, not the actual universe.

90. What defines you?

I think most of these questions are boring, but that's usually just because I think they're either trivial or poorly defined. But I guess the point is to dig into your fundamental understanding of the world, to find what seems obvious to you. This is good for discussion, I imagine, for digging up the roots of your understanding and getting feedback. What's obvious to me isn't generally obvious to others, etc.
(Not actually answering this one, just using it to talk about this.)

95. Will robots take over the world in the future?

Nick Land reference??????? :O

105. If aliens attack, what will we do?

Die, probably.

126. What is reality?

A vector in a hilbert space.

128. What is the truth?

Yeah, I'm bothered by the distinction between "conceptual reality" and "physical reality". As in: Could another universe have a different value of pi, and still have an entirely consistent mathematics? There's a feeling that logical truths are "more real" or "more fundamental" than physics, somehow, and I don't know what to do about this. Math can "prove" many if/then statements, independently of any sort of "experiment", not worrying about "the real world". Where does that come from?

129. Can memories be erased?


138. What one piece of advice would you offer to a newborn infant?

Lol, what?

154. Will it ever be possible to travel through time? Space?

...should we tell them?

173. Since the birth rate is down in the United States, should people be required to have at least one child?

State-mandated Misakis?? Wait, no...