
FNaF Movie Predictions: SAMMY EDITION

The 2nd FNaF movie is a year and a half away. We know it'll have the Puppet, which means it'll probably have Charlotte, which means it'll probably involve Henry. Anyone who knows anything about FNaF should immediately know where I'm going with this. It simply begs the question...

Will there be Sammy?

For those not blessed with knowledge, Sammy is Henry's son in the novels, though he never appears directly. He primarily exists as a plot device to cover up Charlotte's death. His relevance turns out to be very small, to the extent that many readers come away thinking his entire existence was a part of the cover up, and Charlotte is Henry's only child. He has never been alluded to in the games.

But in the movies... Well, it's possible. Here are what I see as the main possibilities.

Sammy is never alluded to

Sammy will not be relevant, he will not be seen, he will not be mentioned. Does he exist? It may be totally ambiguous, or it may be suggested/stated that Charlotte is Henry's only child.

Sammy is briefly referenced

I could see him being referenced in an obscure background detail, like Fritz's name in the 1st movie. Maybe someone will mention him offhandedly. Maybe we'll even see him in the background of a flashback scene, or something.

Sammy exists and is relevant

One day... Perhaps...

Probably not, actually...

(I promise I will make a non-FNaF post... eventually.)