
I Don't Understand the Stigma Toward Pajama Pants

I recently came across a Reddit post on the subject of wearing pajama pants in public. Considering the message of the meme, and considering the young audience of the post, I assumed the comments would be in support of public pajama-moding. I was very wrong???

Some top comments:

It's not just the boomers, we're all judging you

Wearing pajamas in public is cringe, show some class, people.

I still have nightmares about going to school in my pajamas, these people have no shame

As a Zoomer, I'm judging you too

Because it's trashy, regardless of the generation. It's always been trashy

Yeah, lets all walk around in public in the stinky clothes we sleep in shall we? Get the fuck out of here. Show some respect for yourself and others.

As gen Z. I am not going to dislike you for it… but I 100% see it as trashy and distasteful. I will still hold the door for you and treat you with respect. But in my head I am thinking “you do you but come on…”

what exactly makes it trashy?

Lack of effort. Plus the majority of people poorly dressed in Walmart are crackheads. So if I see a regular person dressed as one it draws that reference.

Have some pride in yourself and put actual pants on


Here is a fun fact about me. I wear pajama pants 24/7. I own approximately 2 pairs of non-pajama pants (khakis). They are uncomfortable, so I don't wear them. Jeans in particular feel awful on my skin, I don't understand their popularity. Essentially the only times I don't wear pajama pants are when I'm showering/swimming/etc, or when I've worked up the courage to wear a skirt.

What bothers me is... where is this stigma coming from? What is wrong with pajama pants?

The main arguments against public pajama-wearing I see in the thread are:

- It's "trashy"

- It's "cringe"

- It doesn't "show some class"

- You aren't "showing respect for yourself"

- Putting on "real pants" takes little effort

I am... confused.

Most of these are kind of meaningless. Calling pajamas "trashy" or "cringe" is not a substantive criticism, there's no specific problem these comments are getting at. They're just saying "I don't like it", without explaining why. Similarly, those accusing pajama-moders of not "showing themselves respect" are already operating under the implicit assumption that pajamas are worse than regular pants. Personally, I would consider pajama pants more "self-respectful", because I'm prioritizing my own comfort needs over others' expectations. The only reason you'd think otherwise is if you already thought there was something wrong with wearing pajamas in public. The same can be said about the "effort" argument: By saying "you should wear regular pants because it takes little effort", you are already operating under the assumption that pajama pants are the less favorable choice.

There are some other arguments, mainly calling pajamas "stinky" or saying that most pajama-wearers are "crack-heads", etc. These just seem like weird prejudices. Pajamas are only stinky if you don't bathe/wash them, that has nothing to do with the type of pants.

Do people think pajama pants look bad? I'm not sure, but I don't think so. Pajamas are obviously not restricted to any one style, you can find many different pajama designs.

What is the difference between pajama and non-pajama pants? What even defines the line between these two categories, and why is it relevant to anything at all? As far as I can tell: One is comfortable, and the other is not. I don't really see any other differences.

I think this is a weird class thing?? Is there some collective brainwashing going on, and I'm only immune to it because I'm autistic, or something? I really don't understand this.