MatPat has insisted that Tiger Rock's heterochromic blue and green eyes represent a duality between Elizabeth and Charlotte. I find this line of logic entirely incomprehensible, and I will try to explain why.
Idea: Tiger Rock's green eye represents Elizabeth
There are lots of characters with green eyes in FNaF, and it's obvious that this typically has nothing to do with Elizabeth. However, Tiger Rock (the Mimic) is a very important character, and his heterochromia is an interesting detail, so I think it's completely reasonable to try and find meaning in the 2 colors. Heterochromia is very commonly used by character designers to symbolize some sort of duality. Yes, Pigpatch has the same heterochromic blue/green eyes (though, backwards), so it could mean nothing. But Pigpatch is obviously a much less important character, and his eyes haven't been shown off quite as prominently.In Sister Location, Baby's green eyes are used to represent the presence of Elizabeth's spirit. So, without any context, it makes sense to guess that Tiger Rock's green eye may represent the same thing. In context, I don't think this is likely, but it isn't an awful guess.
Note that this is not what MatPat is claiming.
Idea: Tiger Rock's green eye represents Charlotte
This one is a massive stretch, in my opinion. It's technically true that Charlotte has been strongly associated with the color green before, in the Security Puppet minigame. If Tiger Rock were instead wearing a green wristband, I would take this connection more seriously. But "the color green" on its own is much too generic to be a special signifier for Charlotte. The connection is technically there, but it's extremely faint.Idea: Tiger Rock's blue eye represents Elizabeth
????????????????????????????????You've completely lost me.
I legitimately have no idea how MatPat came to this conclusion. Am I missing something? Has Elizabeth ever really been associated with the color blue?
I suppose she does wear a particularly blue outfit... in the TFC graphic novel. Also, the general color-coding of Sister Location is very blue. Is that what MatPat is thinking? Blue represents Elizabeth because SL is a blue game?
I just... I don't understand... where this is coming from...
Idea: Tiger Rock's blue/green eyes reuse the symbolism of Baby's blue/green eyes
In an attempt to cancel out MatPat's inane babbling, I have come up with a (hopefully) more reasonable idea of my own.Blue and green are the same 2 eye colors which have previously been used to symbolize something about Baby. In the SL minigame, before Elizabeth is captured, Baby's eyes are blue (presumably, her default eye color). Every other time we see Baby is after Elizabeth is killed, and her eyes are green. The blue eyes could be said to represent the Baby animatronic, in the absence of Elizabeth. The green eyes represent Elizabeth's spririt lingering inside of Baby. Thus, the duality of blue and green eyes represents the duality between the pure AI, and the spirit. This is arguably a theme which is central to Baby's character, the invisible dynamic between Baby's AI and Elizabeth's spirit. It's left fairly ambiguous, and is often debated, exactly how much of Baby's character can be attributed to one or the other.
We can straightforwardly apply this idea to Tiger Rock. Speculating, I could propose that the Mimic program is haunted. Not necessarily by a ghost, but by some sort of spiritual, paranormal influence. Tiger Rock's heterochromia is symbolizing the duality between the program itself, which just wants to mimic, and the spiritual part, which wants... something else, presumably.
Also of note is the facial damage surrounding his blue eye in particular. He has some other damaged body parts as well, and they're all on that one side, the blue side. It's similar to how the duality between Golden Freddy and Springtrap is symbolized by the opposite sides of their bodies being damaged, particularly in the movie. This could be said to more clearly spell out the fact that Tiger Rock's blue side is "mechanical", being the pure AI. Alternatively, it could symbolize that the AI part has been largely broken down, giving way to the spritual part. There's a lot of room for interpretation.
Is this a good theory? To be honest... I haven't read all of Tiger Rock! Though, I do know that it's implied that the Mimic has a "piece" of Edwin inside of it. He "poured himself into" the program, just as Novel Henry poured himself into the Charlie bots. This piece of Edwin may be the "spiritual half" of the Mimic.
What exactly is this piece contributing to the Mimic's behavior? Will it become relevant again? Is it relevant right now? I don't know! The Mimic clearly seems to have goals and desires beyond simply copying what it sees. For example, it's (seemingly) wanted to escape, in both Help Wanted and Ruin. It mimics strategically, in order to work toward some goal. So, does the Mimic have an end goal? A particular subject of desire? Where is its story going, exactly?
At the time of writing, Help Wanted 2 comes out in 33 hours. I'm hopeful it'll give us some interesting answers. If not, then, well... See you in the Circus, I guess.