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To Jenny.

I'm sorry I haven't spoken to you in so long. And I'm sorry these must be the circumstances of our reconnection. You won't hear from me again.

There's something I have to do. The pain of everything that's happened has become too much for me to bear, and I've decided my final breaths should be spent putting a stop to it, once and for all. I'm going to open Freddy's one last time, to end the suffering for good. There's no guarentee it'll work as I hope it does, but I have to try. I owe her that much.

I'm writing you now with one purpose: To beg you, please, please do not let anyone take my place. Please ensure that the characters, the company, the history, and the memories all burn to the ground with this building. Please allow me the dignity to put my last moments of life to good use, after all the agony my work has created. Let this remain the final chapter in this sick story full of nothing but regret. I beg you to let it all finally die, and me with it. You know I've been let down by friends before, but I'm counting on you, just this once.

I'm not certain that my actions will finish things off the way I intend, but I hope that at the very least, capturing and destroying all of their twisted remains will keep the cancer contained, so that nobody else will be dragged into this agonizing hellhole again. Even if the spirits don't accept my offering, I should still be able to seal away their remains indefinitely. But I guarantee you this: If the company continues in my absense, history will repeat itself, and my death will have been for nothing. It doesn't matter what precautions they take. It doesn't matter how confident they are that they can pull it off, that they can succeed where I failed. As long as the memory of those tragic events lives on in even one person's mind, I'm confident that that fear will be channelled into new monstrosities I can't even imagine. That's why it's deathly important that you do as I ask.

These are my final wishes. Please take them to heart.



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